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How you can help

Firstly, thank you so much for visiting this page; it shows that you are interested in helping us to achieve our goals and to help us support as many ND teens and young adults who are experiencing mental health difficulties as possible.

There are two different ways in which you can help; Volunteering your time and Donating to our charity.


Volunteering is richly rewarding work where you get to help and support those who need it the most.

Not only that, but it can also help you develop new skills, build confidence in yourself, make new friends, support a cause that you believe in, and help improve your own mental health.


There are different areas of volunteer work within Neurodivergent Safe Space;

 *    Administration

 *    Events

 *    Running a club session

 *    Community

 *    Fundraising

 *    Supporting clients during the club or out at activities

 *    Counselling

 *    Newsletter production

 *    Volunteer coordination

 *    Social media


If you would like to apply to become one of our volunteers, please complete an application form (via the button below) and return it to us at

Once we have received and reviewed it, we will be in contact with you regarding the next steps.

Please note that, because of the very specific characteristics of the ND teens and young adults that we support, we have to ensure that any volunteer that works for us has understanding and experience of both being Neurodivergent, and of experiencing mental health difficulties.  We feel that it is vital that the teens and young adults are able to relate to our volunteers and that, in turn, the vounteers can relate to and correctly support our teens and young adults.  

We live in a world where Neurodivergent individuals are often misunderstood and often incorrectly supported due to a lack of understanding from a first person perspective.  This is why, at Neurodivergent Safe Space, we ensure that all of our volunteers are able to provide the correct support and understanding for our teens and young adults.

If you would like to read our Volunteer policy, please click the link below to our Policies page.

Volunteer Application Form


I imagine that the first thing that comes to your mind is 'why should I donate?  Am I really going to make much of a difference?'  

I am going to answer both of those questions for you now.

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Why should I donate?

Neurodivergent Safe Space is a non-profit charity that only runs on funding and donations.  Without this essential help, we simply cannot operate or help to support anyone.

Why should I donate to Neurodivergent Safe Space and not a different charity?

We are the only charity or organisation in the UK that works specifically with Neurodivergent teens and young adults who are experiencing mental health difficulties.  This is a demographic that has fallen through so many nets and has been let down in terms of correct support and understanding.

We have been asked multiple times if we can open branches around the UK already, which just shows how desperately needed this specialised support is.

This demographic has a high suicide rate compared to the general population, and there needs to be specialised help and support in order to prevent this from continuing to happen.

Am I going to make much of a difference?

Yes!  Even if it is just £5, that will still help us to afford arts and crafts materials, help towards the cost of outdoor activities, help towards the rent on our premises (when we can afford one!).  Without people like you, we cannot help this vulnerable demographic.  Every penny counts and adds up to enable us to do more and more for our teens and young adults to improve their lives.

Can I donate anything other than money?

Yes!  We are happy to accept any arts and crafts materials that you may have to spare, paper, pens, colouring books, anything like that would be gratefully received.  If you would like to donate materials, please contact Jo Richardson on to arrange delivery or collection.  Please note that we are based in Southend on sea, Essex, so I can only travel so far to collect donations!

Donating is really easy and can be done with the click of a button (see Donate Now box below).

If you would like to contact us regarding donations or how you can help us, please contact us using the form below.

Send us a message
and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Thanks for contacting us!

Donate Now

Help us make a difference


Thank you for your donation!

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